Mostly, I like to make and share things.

Cross Stitch
Tech Projects
Jewelry Crafts
The Cat Wants Breakfast

"The Cat Wants Breakfast" is a small text game I made, that is built using Twinery. It is inspired by one of our cats, Nano, who makes waking us up her self-appointed role. It's a short game that takes about ten minutes to play. I made it as a test, to see how Twinery worked, and am planning to make longer text games in the future... Start Playing

Tech Projects
More Resume Details

As a way to expand on and explain some of the different roles you'll see on my resume, I've written up an article, detailing those experiences a little further. If you would like to see a more traditional outline, you're invited to view that here, which also includes a download link for a one-page PDF version. Read More

Apple Dumplings

I haven't changed this recipe very much since I found it online years ago, so I can't take full credit for how magical it is. I've also lost track of where I found the original recipe, sadly. However, I'll include my notes and thoughts on how I've made my own changes to it since then. The prep takes a few hours, and if you have helpers it will be much easier... Read More

Free Cross Stitch Patterns

Here's a gallery of some of the things I've made, and two simple cross stitch designs I've put together that you can download for free. I hope you enjoy! If you're interested in learning to cross stitch, I recommend checking out Sirithre's tutorials. They helped me learn quickly, and she has a discord you can pop into, for community and inspiration...Read More

Cross Stitch
Stuffed Peppers

This is a good weeknight recipe, and depending on how much you make, usually lasts about three or 4 dinners. I usually have leftover filling, that you can freeze for future meals. For freezing, I suggest putting it in a freezer bag, flatten it out, and freeze it as a sheet so it's easier to reheat by baking. You can of course add ground meat, or fake meat for added texture if you'd like... Read More

Where To Next

Where To Next is a travel blog I made as a final project for my first Web Design class. When class finished, I decided to keep working on it, and update it as I got more into how to build up a site. The galleries here focus on places I've traveled to, and the stories I brought home with me...Read More

Tech Projects
The Ramen Experiment

Like many others stuck in their homes in early covid-times, I decided to learn how to cook something new. For us, ramen came up as a strong idea, since we had come back from Japan a few months earlier, and New England spring is all over the temperture spectrum. So, I studied the ramen recipes at Serious Eats, and went for it. I've made a collection of my notes on what worked for us here... Read More.
